LDR-E52 UHF RFID Sticker

LDR-E52 UHF RFID Sticker

Kısa Açıklama:
Eşya yok.:LDR-E52

Hızlı Ayrıntılar
LDR-E52 UHF RFID inlay is complaint with EPC C1G2 (ISO18000-6C) standarttır ve tüm 860-960mhz UHF RFID okuyucular ve antenler için uygundur. It is mostly used for board range of rfid tagging applications, such as, document management, manufacturing, digitalstorage andotherhigh-endproducts traceability and security management.


1. Supply Chain Management
2. Distribution Logistics
3. Product Authentication
4. Asset Inventory and Tracking
5. Baggage Handling and Tracking
6. Item Level Tagging