RFID服裝標籤解決了服裝業的許多問題, 包括銷售統計,櫃檯間分配,返回控制,反庫存和搜索,and dynamic statistics of best-selling products and favored products
第一的,the statistics of the daily sales report are very important to the sales department of a company. It requires accurate results as quickly as possible, which can help the sales department allocate and replenish goods in time.
第二,the sales situation is different between different locations. The allocation of goods between different counters can accelerate the circulation of varieties and maximize the sales volume.
第三,through statistical analysis of returned goods, product quality problems can be accurately identified.
Fourth, the use of handheld readers or data collectors can achieve counter inventory and find goods easily, and improve work efficiency .
Fifth, according to the degree of attention and favorability of a certain product by all customers, real-time tracking according to the sales status can establish mathematical models and analyze consumer preferences.
深圳市領彩智能卡有限公司, 有限公司. extended the trading business to all types of RFID tags, 包括 RFID 動物標籤, RFID 鑰匙圈標籤, RFID洗衣標籤, RFID圖書館標籤, RFID腕帶, RFID抗金屬標籤等.