LDR-RF03 UHF RFID Reader Hub
LDR-RF03 UHF RFID Reader Hub
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Item No.:LDR-RF03
Rincian gancang
LDR-RF03 UHF RFID Reader Hub is made with built-in Impinj R2000 module. It’s 4pcs TNC interfaces can connect 4pcs antenna, and read long distance up to 10meters. With stable performance and strong functions, it is widely applied in many RFID applications, like asset tracking, warehouse inventory and parking solution.
1. Manajemén lalulintas cerdas, sapertos clearance adat, parkir;
2. Logistik sapertos manajemén wadahna, Manajemén palet;
3. Bagian Tikét, pendekatan sakola, Pelacak Asset;
4. Kontrol aksés, Otomatis timbangan;
5. Lagu sato;
LDR-RF03 UHF RFID Reader Hub
Parameter RFID | |
Modél No. | LDR-RF03 |
Tipe | Passve UHF RFID |
Protokol | ISO/IEC 18000-6C and 6B, EPC Kelas 1 Gen2 |
Frékuénsi | Di sakuliah dunya 840-960Mhz, AS 902-928mhz, EU 865-868Mhz |
Modul | Impinj R2000 |
Ngirimkeun kakuatan | 0 ~ 30dbm diatur |
Modeu damel | Maca&Tulis dirojong |
Maca&Tulis kisaran | Maca 1-15m, tag sareng lingkungan gumantung |
Maca pituduh | Led&Buzzer |
Anti tabrakan | Ngarojong sababaraha tag bacaan |
External antenna interface | 4 TNC interfaces |
RSSI | Dirojong |
Inventory Mode | Real-time Inventory work mode supported |
Inventory Speed | Up to 800pcs/s |
Tag buffer | Max. 496bits EPC |
Kiting software | Nyayogikeun demo gratis kanggo nguji sareng SDK kanggo pangwangunan |
Kasabaran software | Meunang xp, Win7, Win8 atanapi win10 |
Parameter fisik | |
Ukuran | 310x210x41mm |
Bahan | Aluminum |
Kasenangan | Inside metal box for protection |
Sasayogian tanaga | Tunggal + 9V ~ 12V DC |
Suhu operasi | -10℃ ka + 60 ℃ |
Kalembaban operasi | 20% ~ 90% RH |
Barang-barang tambahan | 1xRS232 Cable, 1kabel xPow |
Bungkusan | 1Unit / karton (ngaropéa) |
Service ngaropéa | WIFI port |
1.Power (DC JACK)
No. | Symbol | Tipe |
2 | PWR | +9VDC |
4 | GND | Ground |
1,3 | NC | Reserved |
2.WIFI Antenna (SMA Female), need to customize with extra cost
3.USB Slave
4.USB Reserved
5.TCPIP network/RJ45/Ethernet Socket
6.Serial communication port RS232/UART (DB9 Female)
No. | Symbol | Tipe |
1 | nc | Reserved |
2 | TXD | General Output2 |
3 | RXD | General Output3 |
4 | nc | Reserved |
5 | GND | Ground |
6 | nc | Reserved |
7 | nc | Reserved |
8 | nc | Reserved |
9 | nc | Reserved |
7. GPIO (DB15 Female)
No. | Symbol | Tipe |
1 | Output1 | General Output1 (internally used as the buzzer driver with low level effective) |
2 | Output2 | General Output2 |
3 | Output3 | General Output3 |
4 | Output4 | General Output4 |
5 | Input1 | General Intput1 with Internal 47k resistor pulled-down to ground |
6 | Input2 | General Intput1 with Internal 47k resistor pulled-down to ground |
7 | Input3 | General Intput1 with Internal 47k resistor pulled-down to ground |
8 | Input4 | General Intput1 with Internal 47k resistor pulled-down to ground |
9 | TGIN | Trigger input with internal 10k resistor pulled-up to +5V |
10 | R+ | R+ in RS485 |
11 | R- | R- in RS485 |
12 | GND | Ground |
13 | NC | Normal-Close terminal of internal relay |
14 | NO | Normal-Open terminal of internal relay |
15 | CM | Common terminal of internal relay |
8. TNC antenna port ANT1~ANT4
Kami Produsén Peralatan Asli dina Maca RFID 12 taun.
Maca RFID kami moq nyaéta 1pc, RFID tag moq nyaéta 100pcs.
T / t , persatuan urang Barat , Paypal , Ovibaba daya padamelan Alibaba.
Sadaya produk urang 1 Tanggungaan taun upami henteu aya manusa.
3.Sumuhun, Kaseueuran inpormasi téknis kami kedah unggah kana halaman wéb kami: www.lreadercolor.com , Anjeun tiasa unduh langsung ti situs wéb ,Ogé anjeun tiasa ngahubungi penjualan oversea kami kirimkeun ka anjeun.
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