Kontak Bentuk Demo


Showing 148–168 of 235 results

  • RFID Anti-logam Tags

    LDR-1206P UHF RFID Anti-metal Sticker

  • RFID Anti-logam Tags

    LDR-1309P UHF RFID Anti-metal Sticker

  • RFID Anti-logam Tags

    LDR-2208P UHF RFID Anti-metal Sticker

  • RFID Anti-logam Tags

    LDR-3613P UHF RFID Anti-metal Sticker

  • RFID windshield Tags

    LDR-11045 UHF RFID Windshield Label

  • RFID windshield Tags

    LDR-10035 UHF RFID Windshield Label

  • RFID windshield Tags

    LDR-8654LB UHF RFID Windshield Label

  • RFID windshield Tags

    LDR-10030LF UHF RFID Marathon Tag

  • RFID windshield Tags

    LDR-6425 UHF RFID Windshield Label

  • RFID UHF Labels

    LDR-4020L Small UHF RFID Label

  • RFID UHF Labels

    LDR-9727L Alien 9654 UHF RFID Labels

  • RFID UHF Labels

    LDR-8654L UHF RFID Paper Tags

  • RFID UHF Labels

    LDR-7020L UHF RFID Label

  • RFID UHF Labels

    LDR-7620L 860-960mhz RFID Smart Label

  • RFID UHF Labels

    LDR-7629L Monza UHF RFID Labels

  • RFID UHF Labels

    LDR-9812L Alien H4 UHF RFID Label

  • RFID UHF Labels

    LDR-11520LF UHF RFID Foam Label

  • RFID UHF Labels

    LDR-10027LF UHF RFID Marathon Tag

  • RFID UHF Labels

    LDR-3030L UHF RFID Label

  • RFID UHF Labels

    LDR-2616L UHF RFID Label

  • RFID UHF Labels

    LDR-3020L UHF RFID Fragile Sticker

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Committed to providing high-performance RFID product for our customers

Founded in 2009, Shenzhen Leadercolor Smart Card Co.,Ltd is a comprehensive trade company based on designing, developing, producing and selling products, such as magnetic stripe cards, smart cards, smart tags and etc. Our company is located in the beautiful Longgang District, Shenzhen City, with an elegant environment and convenient transportation.
“Leading technology, perawatan manusa" nyaéta filosofi bisnis anu kami teras-terasan. Ti saprak ngadeg, kami geus nyokot “Élmu sareng téknologi kahirupan jasa” salaku tanggung jawab urang, sarta nangtukeun nyadiakeun klien kami kalayan kartu PVC, smart cards, tag pinter jeung jasa ngaropéa RFID séjén.
Dina wangunan tim, parusahaan urang geus ngumpul dina latihan tanaga jeung rojongan. Éta mangrupikeun tim anu pinuh ku gairah sareng impian, kalawan solidaritas digawé sarta pioneering konstan. Kami salawasna narékahan pikeun tumuwuh sareng staf kami sareng nyiptakeun anu cemerlang babarengan sareng aranjeunna!
Perusahaan kami parantos ngembangkeun pasar énggal ku kualitas anu saé sareng narik para nasabah ku jasa anu pangsaéna. Ngandelkeun taun akumulasi sumber-sumber daya sareng pangalaman anu beunghar, Leadercolor parantos ngahontal kasuksésan hébat di pasar luar negeri, building a friendly relationship with customers in various countries and regions, and reaching strategic cooperation with many famous companies.



RFID Animal Tracking Is An ID System That Uses Radio Frequency Identification Devices For Identification And Tracking Purposes. RFID Ear Tag Is A Microchip Combined With An RFID Antenna In A Compact Package Which Will Be Attached To An Object To Be Tracked.


RFID Label Stickers Are Widely Used In Clothing&Shoes Inventory,Industry Equipment Management,Library,Asset Security And Other Industries


We Specialized In All Kinds Of Hotel Keycards IncludingRfid Hotel Keycards, Magnetic Stripe Hotel Keycards And Various Encoded Hotel Keycards


RFID Label Stickers Are Widely Used In Clothing&Shoes Inventory,Industry Equipment Management,Library,Asset Security And Other Industries


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