LDR-8520P UHF Uhf anti-bir-birta rfid sumadda

LDR-8520P UHF Uhf anti-bir-birta rfid sumadda

Sharaxaad Gaaban:
Shayga Lam.:LDR-8520P

Faahfaahin Deg Deg ah
This product can be widely used in indoor and outdoor asset management and inspection management. It can achieve good radio frequency performance when installed on metal and non-metal surfaces. The product performance is stable and reliable. It is the best among similar products.


1. Qalabka kaydinta iyo maaraynta guryaha;
2. IT-ga xarunta Chajeesis;
3. Maareynta weelasha birta waaweyn iyo kuwa dhexdhexaadka ah;
4. Maareynta sanaadiiqda korantada iyo tas-hiilaadka korantada;
5. Maareynta qalabka gudaha iyo banaanka iyo xarumaha oo leh bir bir ah;
6. Cement building wall or column management (built-in);
7. Maareynta kormeerka shaqaalaha;
8. Management of public facilities such as street lights and traffic light poles;
9. Management of large and medium-sized fluid valves or pipelines;