LDF-D16M Mini Anti-metal NFC Sticker

LDF-D16M Mini Anti-metal NFC Sticker

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Shayga Lam.:LDF-D16M

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LDF-D16M RFID Fragile Label comes with mini size of diameter 16mm, Mifare® Classic Chip and clear fragile paper material. It is designed to keep data tamper proof and it has UID and can store customized information. Once it is teared off from objects by someone, it will be destroyed. Fragile RFID Label is most secure method to prevent counterfeit of applications in brand alcohol and tobacco etc.


1. NFC,Xiriirinta xogta xogta ee nfc iyo gudbinta xogta
2. Bixinta moobiilka, Boorsada mobilada
3. Aqoonsiga wax soo saarka, Maareynta aqoonsiga shaqaalaha
4. E-ticketing, Loyalty System, Marketing and Advertisements