White Plastiki PVC UHF RFID Kadhi yekupaka mota

White Plastiki PVC UHF RFID Kadhi yekupaka mota

Tsanangudzo Pfupi:
Chinhu Nha.:LDR-8654C

Quick Details
Leadercolor LDR-8654C ISO RFID Card is designed in RFID technology with chip and inlay inside. It is complaint with EPC Class1 Gen2 standard and works very well with all 860-960mhz UHF RFID Antenna. It is made by plastic PVC material which is waterproof and can be used in tough environment. It is convenient to carry and can be printing via offset printing or silk screen. Sezvauri kuona pamusika, the UHF RFID cards are mostly used for access control, parking system and students cards etc.


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