LDI-B11 Android version of the reader manual
LDI-B11 Android version of the reader manual
Tsanangudzo Pfupi:
Chinhu Nha.:LDI-B11
Quick Details
This hand-held machine adopts wireless recognition methods and supports electric labels of FDX-B,HDX (ISO11784/85). It has a high luminance LCD (240*320) screen, so it is clear indoors or under strong light outdoors. It can store 20,000 labels, and the users can process the labels on computer, after transferring the data to the computer via a USD data cable or wireless means. This product is stable, simple to use, and suitable for animal management, source tracing, railway patrolling, and other fields of asset management.
LDI-B11 Android version of the reader manual
Supported parameters | FDX-B, HDX |
Response distance | FDX-B:30mm earmark>=30cm(±5cm) HDX:30mm |
Standard international agreement | ISO11784/ISO11785 |
Reading time | Around 100ms |
Human machine interaction | LCD liquid crystal screen, buzzer, vibration motor (functions while) |
Magetsi | 7.4V 1800mAH lithium battery |
Consumption | Verenga: 3.7W Standby: 0.5W |
Capacity | 20,000 data for reading; 6,000 data for comparing |
Battery life | Can read 10,000 data after fully charged |
Communication interface | USB2.0, Bluetooth 4.2 |
Size | Length: 67CM, width: 4.4CM, height: 4.1CM |
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Ehe, isu tinofara kukutumira mamwe azvino masampula ereferensi yako. Mienzaniso ndeyemahara, unongoda kubata mutengo wekutumira.
Ehe, unogona kusarudza zvinhu uye chip zvaunoda.
Odha yedu shoma ndeye 500 ~ 1000pcs.
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Chokwadi ndechekuti mavara anoratidzwa pamonitor yatakaona uye ruvara rwakadhindwa muzvigadzirwa chaizvo zvine misiyano. Nokuda kwehutano hwakanaka, unogona kutipa sampuro yemachisi kana iwo anotsanangura Pantone mavara. Isu tinofananidza ruvara pamusoro 90% iyo iri pamusoro peavhareji yeindasitiri ye 80%
Izvo zvinoenderana nenzira yekutumira yakasarudzwa, chena tag, Kazhinji, iwo ma tag anozotumirwa mukati me7 ~ 15 mazuva mushure mekubhadhara kwapera.
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Ehe, tinopa quality assurance ye 1 makore, kunze kwekukuvadzwa kwemuviri.
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