Ldf-d25c nfc coin kadhi

Ldf-d25c nfc coin kadhi

Tsanangudzo Pfupi:
Chinhu Nha.:LDF-D25C

Quick Details
Leadercolor LDF-D25C NFC coin card is complaint with ISO14443A protocol and it fits for all 13.56mhz Type A readers and antennas. It’s read range up to 10cm. Inonyanya kushandiswa kune yekubhadhara mobile, E-ticketing uye Product Authentication.


1. NFC mapepa,NFC mudziyo data kubatana uye kutapurirana data
2. Mobile kubhadhara, Mobile chikwama
3. Product identification, manejimendi ekuzivikanwa kwevashandi
4. E-ticketing, Loyalty System, Marketing and Advertisements