Category: RFID Tag

We provide a comprehensive selection of off-the-shelf and customizable RFID and NFC tags, stickers, and labels. Our RFID tags are offered with diverse integrated circuit (IC) options, frequencies, and adherence to industry standards. The RFID stickers and labels, equipped with a self-adhesive tab, are pre-encoded for convenient application to nearly any material, facilitating the seamless integration of RFID functionality into a variety of products. Suitable for a wide range of RFID and NFC applications, including contactless payments, access control, and social media activations, these tags serve as versatile solutions. Additionally, ID&C extends its product line to include RFID wristbands, RFID-enabled event passes, and other RFID offerings, all available at competitive prices.


Bata Form Demo

Showing 64–84 of 131 results

  • RFID Library Tags

    LDR-D39L UHF RFID Disc Tag

  • RFID Library Tags

    LDF-4675L ICODE® SLIX RFID Library Tags

  • RFID Library Tags

    LDF-D40L RFID Disc Sticker

  • RFID Library Tags

    LDF-8654L Library RFID Label

  • RFID Library Tags

    LDF-5050L HF RFID Book Tags

  • RFID Anti-metal Tags

    LDR-25014M UHF Anti-metal Tag for License Plate

  • RFID Anti-metal Tags

    LDR-15533M UHF RFID Anti-metal Tag

  • RFID Anti-metal Tags

    LDR-13515M UHF RFID On-metal Tag

  • RFID Anti-metal Tags

    LDR-9522M UHF RFID PCB Tag Sticker

  • RFID Anti-metal Tags

    LDR-8030M UHF RFID Anti-metal Sticker

  • RFID Anti-metal Tags

    LDR-8025M Printable UHF Anti-metal Tag

  • RFID Anti-metal Tags

    LDR-8020M UHF RFID On-metal Tag

  • RFID Anti-metal Tags

    LDR-7831M UHF RFID Anti-metal Tag

  • RFID Anti-metal Tags

    LDR-8520P UHF Anti-metal RFID Tag

  • RFID Anti-metal Tags

    LDR-7025P UHF Anti-metal RFID Tag

  • RFID Anti-metal Tags

    LDR-7025M UHF RFID Metal Tag

  • RFID Anti-metal Tags

    LDR-6025M Printable UHF Anti-metal Tag

  • RFID Anti-metal Tags

    LDR-5015M Flex UHF RFID Metal Tag

  • RFID Anti-metal Tags

    LDR-4025M Flexible UHF Anti-metal Sticker

  • RFID Anti-metal Tags

    LDR-0904P UHF RFID Anti-metal Tag

  • RFID Anti-metal Tags

    LDR-1005P UHF RFID Anti-metal tag

Ridzai Vhidhiyo

Kuzvipira kupa yepamusoro-inoshanda RFID chigadzirwa kune vatengi vedu

Yakatangwa mukati 2009, Shenzhen Leadercolor Smart Card Co., Ltd ikambani yekutengeserana yakazara yakavakirwa pakugadzira, kusimukira, kugadzira nekutengesa zvigadzirwa, akadai semagineti mitsetse makadhi, smart cards, smart tags uye nezvimwe. Kambani yedu iri munzvimbo yakanaka yeLonggang District, Shenzhen City, nemhoteredzo inoyevedza uye chokufambisa chiri nyore.
"Tekinoroji inotungamira, kutarisirwa kwevanhu” ndihwo uzivi hwebhizimisi hwatagara tichitevedzera. Kubva zvagadzirwa, tanga tichitora “Sayenzi uye tekinoroji masevhisi hupenyu” semutoro wedu, uye kusarudza kupa vatengi vedu makadhi ePVC, smart cards, smart tag uye mamwe maRFID akagadziridzwa masevhisi.
Pakuvaka timu, kambani yedu yakatarisana nekudzidziswa kwevashandi uye rutsigiro. Icho chikwata chizere nechishuwo uye zviroto, nekubatana kushanda uye kupayona nguva dzose. Isu tinogara tichiedza kukura nevashandi vedu uye kugadzira inopenya pamwe chete navo!
Kambani yedu yanga ichigadzira misika mitsva nemhando yepamusoro uye kukwezva vatengi nebasa repamusoro. Kuvimba nemakore ekuunganidzirwa kwevatengi-zviwanikwa uye ruzivo rwakapfuma, Leadercolor yakawana kubudirira kukuru mumisika yemhiri kwemakungwa, kuvaka hukama hushamwari nevatengi munyika dzakasiyana siyana uye matunhu, uye kusvika pakubatira pamwe nemakambani mazhinji ane mukurumbira.



RFID Mhuka Yekutsvagisa Ichi ID System Inoshandisa Radio Frequency Identification Devices Kuzivikanwa uye Kutevera Zvinangwa.. RFID Ear Tag I Microchip Yakasanganiswa neRFID Antenna MuCompact Package Iyo Inosungirirwa kune Chinhu Chinoteverwa..


RFID Label Stickers Are Widely Used In Clothing&Shoes Inventory,Indasitiri Equipment Management,Library,Asset Security Uye Mamwe Maindasitiri


Isu takasarudzika mumhando dzese dzeHotera Keycards kusanganisira:Rfid Hotel Keycards, Magnetic Stripe Hotel Keycards Uye Akasiyana Encoded Hotel Keycards


RFID Label Stickers Are Widely Used In Clothing&Shoes Inventory,Indasitiri Equipment Management,Library,Asset Security Uye Mamwe Maindasitiri


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Customers reviews

We have used this company many times before. Their website is easy to navigate, the prices are good, the wristbands are great quality and they always deliver on time. Would highly recommend
Adam Sendler
I ordered custom RFID cards from ID&C. Excellent quality and finish on the cards and they work seamlessly. I would highly suggest this company for all your custom RFID card needs. Great price and quick turn around time. I will be purchasing from again in the near future.
Mila Kunis
Your service is excellent and fast and excellent communication..
Mike Sendler