Forskjeller mellom NFC- og RFID-teknologi
Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) and Near Field Communication (NFC) are two hot keywords, both of which are Tagging technology. NFC […]
Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) and Near Field Communication (NFC) are two hot keywords, both of which are Tagging technology. NFC […]
Uhf electronic tags are generally divided into four areas: 【Reserve 】 : Adresse: 0-3; Adresse: 0-1 Store the 32bit kill
Hvordan lese brukerdata for UHF elektronisk merkelapp Les mer "
When the label is placed on a metal substance, the metal substance will interfere with the information of the label.
Hvordan kan RFID-brikker motstå metallinterferens? Les mer "
RFID arver direkte konseptet radar og har utviklet en levende ny AIDC-teknologi – RFID-teknologi. I 1948,
RFID channel access control system is based on RFID Technology (line RFID), which is a communication technology. It can identify
RFID anti metal tag adds a kind of anti metal material on the basis of the original one. This material