LDR-37025B Direct Thermal UHF RFID Wristband

LDR-37025B Direct Thermal UHF RFID Wristband

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Oġġett Nru.:LDR-37025B

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LDR-37025B Direct Thermal RFID Wristband is designed in RFID technology with chip and inlay inside. It is complaint with EPC Class1 Gen2 standard and works very well in distance of 6meters. The wristband is made of special PET paper which can sink into water completely without any wet or fade. It comes in roll package and printable by RFID printer. It is disposable and cost-saving for spa, resorts, water park and moist places.


1. Skola u Sptar;
2. Il-ħin tat-tiġrija sportiva, Park tad-divertiment.
3. Ġestjoni tal-post għall-għawm, postijiet niedja;