NFC ja RFID-tehnoloogia erinevused
Raadiosagedustuvastus (RFID) ja lähiväljaside (NFC) on kaks kuuma märksõna, both of which are Tagging technology. NFC […]
Raadiosagedustuvastus (RFID) ja lähiväljaside (NFC) on kaks kuuma märksõna, both of which are Tagging technology. NFC […]
Uhf elektroonilised sildid jagunevad üldiselt nelja valdkonda: 【Reservi】 : Aadress: 0-3; Aadress: 0-1 Store the 32bit kill
Kuidas lugeda UHF elektroonilise märgise kasutajaandmeid Loe rohkem "
Kui silt asetatakse metallainele, the metal substance will interfere with the information of the label.
Kuidas saavad RFID-märgised metalli häiretele vastu seista? Loe rohkem "
As we all know, electronic tags are mainly divided into high-frequency electronic tags, low-frequency electronic tags, and UHF electronic tags
The advantages and applications of UHF RFID electronic tags Loe rohkem "
Põhiline RFID-süsteem koosneb kolmest osast: RFID elektrooniline märgis, RFID reader and RFID antenna. As an important part
RFID warehouse management technology will create efficient management in the manufacturing industry With the rapid economic development, the manufacturing industry
RFID rõivamärgis lahendab rõivatööstuses palju probleeme, sealhulgas müügistatistika,letidevaheline jaotamine,return control,counter inventory and search,and dynamic
Warehouse management occupies a core position in logistics management. There are many problems in the traditional warehousing industry. For example, people entering
RFID directly inherits the concept of radar and has developed a vibrant new AIDC technology – RFID technology. In 1948,
As we all know, electronic tags are mainly divided into high-frequency electronic tags, low-frequency electronic tags and ultra-high-frequency electronic tags