Adhesivo antimetal UHF flexible LDR-4025M

Adhesivo antimetal UHF flexible LDR-4025M

Breve descripción:
Artículo No.:LDR-4025M

Detalles Rápidos
LDR-4025M Flexible UHF Anti-metal Sticker is our self-designed and self-developed tag which is suitable for metal and liquid objects’ management. With special anti-metal material and Monza R6-P chip, its read range up to 0.45meters by handheld reader when it pastes on the metal surface. Lightweight and paper-like shape makes it easy to attach to curved surfaces like air cylinder, pipeline, metal container and assets. Admite impresión en impresora RFID por rollos..


1. Gestión a nivel de artículo
2. Gestión de seguimiento de activos RFID
3. Gestión de equipamiento hospitalario.
4. Gestión de la cadena de suministro de dispositivos metálicos.